College and Career Ministry
College and Career Ministry
Gap Creek Baptist Church
2025 EDGE Pay it Forward Challenge: We are asking 50 people to give $100 a Sunday. Please put you dollar in the
box in the vestibule or you can write a one-time check for $52.00 and mark it" EDGE Challenge.
Serving in the Community: The youth will be serving at the Campbells on on Saturday, February 1st. We would love to have a few adult volunteeers. We need chainsaws, rakes, and shovels. Robin is hoping to have enough people working to get the job done between 9 AM-12 PM. Please contact him if you can help-864-735-4386.
Cameron's House Volunteer Training for new and existing volunteers will be on Thursday, January 23rd at 6 PM at the Lighthouse-111 Stroud Hospital Road in Marietta. Call Jo Henson to RSVP by January 21st at 864-567-0479.
Speaker: Susan Tankersley
Our church will be having a Ministry Fair on Sunday, February 2nd in the vestibule.
Balance Class on Saturdays
¨ On Saturdays at 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall, Dr. Tracy Hall will teach a BALANCE CLASS. Bring mats and water. Donations accepted. – This is a great class for people of ALL ages, especially those no longer young.