College and Career Ministry
College and Career Ministry
Gap Creek Baptist Church
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Adult Life Groups
Our Life Groups are designed to…
Encourage Corporate and Personal Worship
Disciple members through the teaching the Word of God a minimum of 30 minutes on Sunday and involving members in ministry activities
Minister and Care for members and prospects through Intercessory Prayer and identifying life needs and developing projects to meet those needs
Reach the unchurched by...
Training Class Members to share their faith
Developing Quarterly Class projects for the purpose of sharing Jesus
Teaching an Evangelistic Bible Study Quarterly
Meet together for fellowship at least once a quarter for the purpose of building relationships with members and prospects.
The following Adult Life Groups meet on Sunday morning at 9:45 am:
Younger Pre-school Kids - Room 201
Older Kids - Room 203
Ladies - Room 204
Men's - Room 211
Co-ed - Room 214
College and Career - Room 210