College and Career Ministry
College and Career Ministry
Gap Creek Baptist Church

COVID-19 Update
As of 5/3/21
While our world is changing, our God is the same. Church will look and feel different in the coming days, but, make no mistake, we will still be the church.
Below, you can read our plans for the month of August and September

Worship Services
ALL Sunday and Wednesday evening services have resumed.
ALL Sunday morning Life Groups have resumed.
Please leave at least 1 or 2 chairs between you and the next person unless you are seated next to a family member.
Masks are not required but if you feel more comfortable with one or if you have a cough, please wear one.
If you are at risk, please feel free to sit in the back.
There is plenty of hand sanitizer on the vestibule table for you to use when you come in.
Thank you for giving generously.
Continue your generosity to Kingdom work as we try to resource you and meet needs within our church family. While we don’t know how long our culture will walk through these changes, we want to be able to meet missional commitments, ministry demands, and benevolent needs.
You can give during the church offering, online through our PayPal account, through the mail, or through Bill Pay through your bank.
These are unprecedented times, but we serve a faithful God.
As the leadership of Gap Creek prayed through our decisions, we sought to obey what we knew to be God’s will.
Without any hesitation, we know from God’s Word that he is calling us to:
1) glorify Jesus (1 Pet. 4:11),
2) bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2),
3) be salt and light in this community (Matt. 5:14-16), and
4) honor governing authorities (Rom. 13:1).
We will make it through these times, and we will make it together.